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Exam Code: CTAL-TTA-001
Exam Name: ISQI (ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level - Technical Test Analyst (CTAL-TTA_001))
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Total Q&A: 65 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-03-01
The IT-Tests.com ISQI CTAL-TTA-001 exam questions is 100% verified and tested. IT-Tests.com ISQI CTAL-TTA-001 exam practice questions and answers is the practice test software. In IT-Tests.com, you will find the best exam preparation material. The material including practice questions and answers. The information we have could give you the opportunity to practice issues, and ultimately achieve your goal that through ISQI CTAL-TTA-001 exam certification.
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NO.1 The application of multiple condition testing is also being considered.
Which specification-based technique is largely based on the principle of multiple condition testing?
1 credit [K2]
A. Equivalence Partitioning
B. State Transition Testing
C. Decision Table Testing
D. Use Cases
Answer: C
NO.2 Which additional set of test cases is needed to achieve both 100% statement coverage and
100% decision coverage? 3 credits [K3]
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Answer: C
ISQI test answers CTAL-TTA-001 CTAL-TTA-001 CTAL-TTA-001 CTAL-TTA-001 pdf CTAL-TTA-001 study guide
NO.3 Which TWO additional structure-based test design techniques could be used to dynamically
test the code? 1 credit [K2]
A. Condition testing
B. Multiple condition testing
C. Equivalence partitioning
D. Cause/effect graphing
E. Code reviews
Answer: A,B
ISQI certification CTAL-TTA-001 CTAL-TTA-001
NO.4 How many test cases are needed to test code fragment lines 26 - 32 to achieve 100% multiple
condition coverage? 2 credits [K3]
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 8
Answer: D
ISQI original questions CTAL-TTA-001 braindump CTAL-TTA-001 demo CTAL-TTA-001 certification CTAL-TTA-001 dumps CTAL-TTA-001
NO.5 You have tested the program and have found that with "bonus" a boundary value has not
been implemented according to design. You have written an incident report. Which of the following
is the incident report of the highest quality? 2 credits [K3]
A. Description: Boundary value not correctly implemented Priority: High Repeatability: Yes Tester:
WVU Test case: 35 (test specification "bonus program"), V1.2
B. Description: Boundary value not correctly implemented for bonus Priority: Medium Tester: WVU
Test case: 35 (test specification "bonus program")
C. Description: Boundary value not correctly implemented for bonus (line 26: 10 according to design,
now 5 implemented) Priority: High Repeatability: Yes Tester: WVU Test case: 35 (test specification
"bonus program"), V1.2
D. Description: Boundary value not correctly implemented for bonus Priority: High Repeatability: Yes
Tester: WVU Test case: 35 (test specification "bonus program"), V1.2
Answer: C
ISQI CTAL-TTA-001 exam CTAL-TTA-001 test questions CTAL-TTA-001 pdf CTAL-TTA-001
NO.6 The Bonus Program is perceived by management to be critical. Defects in the program would
almost immediately lead to financial loss. In the past an improvement program has been run to
implement review based on IEEE 1028. Knowledge and skills on both formal and informal reviews
are available. There is also an existing pool of review leaders. Which of the following review types
would you choose to review the program? 2 credits [K4]
A. Informal review
B. Inspection
C. Walkthrough
D. Management review
Answer: B
ISQI exam prep CTAL-TTA-001 exam CTAL-TTA-001 exam CTAL-TTA-001 CTAL-TTA-001
NO.7 What is the value of statement coverage achieved by test case 1 from test set A? 2 credits [K3]
A. ? 75% (21 / 28)
B. ? 78% (22 / 28)
C. ? 85% (24 / 28)
D. ? 90% (25 / 28)
Answer: A
ISQI certification CTAL-TTA-001 CTAL-TTA-001 test questions
NO.8 How many test cases are needed to test code fragment lines 26 - 32 to achieve 100% condition
determination coverage? 2 credits [K3]
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer: B
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Article Link: http://www.it-tests.com/CTAL-TTA-001.html