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Exam Code: AFE
Exam Name: IFPUG (Accredited Financial Examiner (AFE))
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 286 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-03-02
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AFE (Accredited Financial Examiner (AFE)) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 There are many different sources of CMBS. Conduits and aggregate pools generally
consist of loans newly originated, purchased or held by investment bankers until the pool
is large enough for an efficient execution. Government agencies such as the Federal
National Mortgage Association (FNMA) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.
(FHLMC) are important sources of:
A. Residential financing
B. B2B financing.
C. Commercial financing.
D. Mortgage loans
Answer: A
IFPUG AFE AFE exam simulations AFE
NO.2 Prepayment of a conventional mortgage loan, prior to its specified maturity, is
discouraged through the general market acceptance of significant prepayment penalties.
Often these penalties are calculated so that when prevailing market interest rates are:
A. Lower than the rate on the loan being repaid the borrower has to make up the interest
rate differential and the lender is essentially “made whole” for a potential loss of interest.
B. Greater than the rate on the loan being repaid the borrower has to make up the interest
rate differential and the lender is essentially “made whole” for a potential loss of interest.
C. Equal to the rate on the loan being repaid the borrower has to make up the interest rate
differential and the lender is essentially “made whole” for a potential loss of interest.
D. Lower than the rate of interest being paid to the borrower has to make up the interest
rate differential and the lender is essentially “made whole” for a potential loss of interest.
Answer: A
IFPUG test answers AFE AFE demo AFE certification training AFE test
NO.3 Many companies have developed an asset/liability management approach that is founded
on understanding product liabilities. Mortgages meet the primary objective of
A. A tight asset/liability match
B. A well-diversified core of investments
C. A tight asset/liability match with a well-diversified core of investments.
D. Real estate lending by insurance companies
Answer: C
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NO.4 These are securities whose underlying assets consist of commercial mortgage loans. The
commercial loans are pooled, which brings diversification and liquidity to the asset class.
What are these?
A. Conventional securities
C. Subordinated securities
D. Securitization
Answer: B
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NO.5 A
is an amount of money, loaned at interest for a specified term, secured
by real estate and by its improvements such as buildings and infrastructure. This form of
instrument itself varies by jurisdiction, but the debt is always evidenced by an
accompanying promissory note.
A. Mortgage Loan
B. Real estate lending
C. Conventional Commercial Loans
Answer: A
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