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Exam Code: 70-336
Exam Name: Microsoft (Core Solutions of Microsoft Lync Server 2013)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 100 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-09-03

Microsoft 70-336 certification can guarantee you have good job prospects, because Microsoft certification 70-336 exam is a difficult test of IT knowledge, passing Microsoft certification 70-336 exam proves that your IT expertise a strong and you can be qualified for a good job.

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70-336 (Core Solutions of Microsoft Lync Server 2013) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/70-336.html

NO.1 You have a Lync Server 2013 infrastructure. You plan to deploy an archiving solution. Your
has a compliance policy that has the following requirements:
¡ ¤Instant messaging (IM) conversations between external users and the members of a group named
Traders must be archived.
¡ ¤IM conversations between external users and the members of a group named HR must be
¡ ¤The internal IM conversations of all other users must be archived. You need to configure archiving
policies to meet the compliance policy requirements. Which three actions should you perform?
correct answer presents part of the solution. Choose three.)
A. Configure the global archiving policy to archive internal and external IM conversations.
B. Create a site-level archiving policy that is configured to archive internal and external IM
C. Create a user-level archiving policy that is configured to archive external IM traffic. Assign the
policy to
the Traders group.
D. Create a user-level archiving policy that is configured to archive internal and external IM traffic.
the policy to the HR group.
E. Configure the global archiving policy to archive internal IM conversations.
Answer: ACD

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You have a Lync Server 2013 infrastructure that contains two servers. The servers are configured as
shown in the following table.
You deploy a new server named lync3.contoso.com. You plan to install the Edge Server role on
You need to identify which tasks must be performed to install the Edge Server role on Lync3. Which
actions should you identify? To answer, move the four appropriate actions from the list of actions to
answer area and arrange them in the correct order.
A. From Lync1, modify the topology by using the Topology Builder.
B. From Lync1, publish the topology by using the Topology Builder.
C. On Lync3, install Lync Server 2013.
D. From Lync1, run the Export-CsConfiguration cmdlet.
E. From Lync3, run the Import-CsConfiguration cmdlet.
Answer: ADE

Microsoft   70-336 questions   70-336   70-336 original questions

NO.3 Your company has a main office and a branch office. The main office has 3,000 users. The
branch office
has 100 users. The offices are connected via a WAN link. You have a Lync Server 2013 infrastructure.
The main office has a pool named Pool1 that contains two Enterprise Edition Front End Servers. The
branch office only contains an Active Directory domain controller and a file server. You need to
recommend a high-availability solution to ensure that users can establish calls if one of the
components fails:
¡ ¤A Front End Serve
¡ ¤A PSTN gatewa
¡ ¤A WAN router The solution must minimize deployment andmaintenance costs. What should you
A. In the branch office, deploy an SBA named SBA1. Configure SBA1 to use Pool1 as a backup
Configure two trunks in Pool1. Configure one trunk in SBA1.
B. In the branch office, deploy a second Enterprise Edition pool named Pool2. Configure Pool1 to
Pool2 as a backup pool. Configure one trunk in Pool1. Configure one trunk in Pool2.
C. In the branch office, deploy a second Enterprise Edition pool named Pool2. Configure Pool1 to
Pool2 as a backup pool. Configure two trunks in Pool1. Configure two trunks in Pool2.
D. In the main office, deploy a second Enterprise Edition pool named Pool2. In the branch office,
an SBA named SBA1. Configure SBA1 to use Pool2 as a backup registrar. Configure two trunks in
Configure two trunks in SBA1.
Answer: A

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NO.4 You have a Lync Server 2010 infrastructure that contains an Edge Server named Edge1. Five
remote users connect to Edge1 from the Internet. Each user has a SIP address that uses a suffix of
@contoso.com. You deploy an Edge Server named Edge2 that has Lync Server 2013 deployed. You
create a host (A) record that points to edge2.contoso.com. You need to ensure that 20 remote users
connect to Edge2. All other remote users must continue to connect to Edge1. What should you do?
A. Create a service location (SRV) record that points to edge2.contoso.com.
B. Instruct the users to modify the Advanced Connection Settings of their Microsoft Lync client.
C. Create an alias (CNAME) record that points to edge2.contoso.com.
D. Instruct the users to modify the sign-in address of the Microsoft Lync client.
Answer: B

Microsoft   70-336   70-336 dumps

NO.5 You have a Lync Server 2013 infrastructure. You create a new common area phone. You need
configure the common area phone for hot desking. The solution must enable hot desking for the
area phone only. What should you do?
A. Create a per-user voice policy and assign the policy to a Phone object.
B. Create a per-user client policy and assign the policy to a Phone object.
C. Modify the global client policy.
D. Modify the global voice policy.
Answer: B

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