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Exam Code: 070-466
Exam Name: Microsoft (Implementing Data Models and Reports with Microsoft SQL Server 2012)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 91 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-09-03
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070-466 (Implementing Data Models and Reports with Microsoft SQL Server 2012) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/070-466.html
NO.1 You work as a Database Administrator (DBA) at ABC.com. The company uses a Microsoft SQL
Server 2012 infrastructure.
A server named ABC-SSAS1 runs SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS). You are configuring
security for a tabular model on ABC-SSAS1.
You need to assign role permissions to roles in SSAS to control access to the model database.
You also plan to use DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) formulas to create row filters to restrict
views of the data.
To which of the following role permissions can row filters be applied? (Choose all that apply).
A. None.
B. Read.
C. Read and Process.
D. Process.
E. Administrator.
Answer: B,C
Microsoft pdf 070-466 braindump 070-466
NO.2 You have been hired as a Business Intelligence (BI) developer at ABC.com. The company uses a
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 infrastructure.
A junior developer has created a multidimensional Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services
project. The processing performance of the dimensions in the project needs to be optimized to
improve performance.
All dimension attributes in one of the dimensions directly relate to the key attribute. Relationships
between the non-key attributes are supported by the data in the dimension.
How can you increase the processing performance of the dimension?
A. By modifying the default processing priority of the dimension.
B. By configuring EncourageGrouping as the setting for the GroupingBehavior property.
C. By defining attribute relationships within the dimension.
D. By configuring DiscourageGrouping as the setting for the GroupingBehavior property.
Answer: C
Microsoft braindump 070-466 070-466 exam simulations 070-466
NO.3 You work as a Database Administrator (DBA) at ABC.com. The company uses a Microsoft SQL
Server 2012 infrastructure.
You are configuring servers running SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). All SSRS servers
run in native mode.
You modify the RStrace section of the ReportingServicesService.exe.config file to enable logging.
Which log contains the ClientIP and ServerPort fields to determine which IP address and port
numbers are used to connect to the reports server?
A. The Windows System Application log.
B. The Report Server HTTP log.
C. The Report Server Service Trace Log.
D. The Report Server Execution Log.
Answer: B
Microsoft 070-466 070-466 certification 070-466 demo 070-466 pdf
NO.4 You work as a Database Administrator (DBA) at ABC.com. The company uses a Microsoft SQL
Server 2012 infrastructure.
You are configuring servers running SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). All SSRS servers
run in native mode.
You create an item-level role named Reports Admin on an SSRS server.
You need to add a task to the Reports Admin role to enable it to modify report properties and view
and modify data sources that provide content to the report.
Which task should you add to the Reports Admin role?
A. Manage Reports
B. Manage resources
C. View data sources
D. View resources
Answer: A
Microsoft 070-466 practice test 070-466 questions 070-466 study guide
NO.5 You work as a SQL Developer at ABC.com. The company uses a Microsoft SQL Server 2012
You have a SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) tabular model.
You need to configure the model for DirectQuery mode to maximize performance.
You set the DirectQueryMode property to ON to enable Direct Query mode. You now need to set
the DirectQueryMode property to configure the preferred query data source.
Queries must use the relational data source by default unless otherwise specified in the
connection string from the client.
Which of the following options should you select?
A. InMemory
B. DirectQuerywithInMemory
C. InMemorywithDirectQuery
D. DirectQuery
Answer: B
Microsoft demo 070-466 070-466 070-466
NO.6 You work as a Database Administrator (DBA) at ABC.com. The company uses a Microsoft SQL
Server 2012 infrastructure.
A server named ABC-SSAS1 runs SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS). You are configuring
security for a tabular model on ABC-SSAS1.
You need to assign role permissions to a role to ensure that users can query the data in the
tabular model but cannot see the model database in SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio).
Which role permission should you assign to the role?
A. None.
B. Read.
C. Read and Process.
D. Process.
E. Administrator.
Answer: B
Microsoft 070-466 070-466 exam
NO.7 You work as a Database Administrator (DBA) at ABC.com. The company uses a Microsoft SQL
Server 2012 infrastructure.
Company users use a SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) cube.
You receive reports that an MDX query takes a long time to run.
You are using SQL Server Profiler to troubleshoot the query performance issues. You need to
gather information about the MDX query that was submitted to Analysis Services.
Which SQL Server Profile Event Class should you select in the Event Selection tab of the Trace
Properties dialog box?
A. Command Begin
B. Query End
C. Discover Begin
D. Query Begin
E. Execute MDX Script Begin
Answer: D
Microsoft pdf 070-466 questions 070-466 test questions 070-466 070-466 070-466
NO.8 You work as a SQL Developer at ABC.com. The company uses a Microsoft SQL Server 2012
You are using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) to create a report named Marketing Trends
for the Marketing department.
The Marketing Trends pulls data from a single SQL Server.
You need to modify the report to also pull data from a cloud database hosted on Microsoft SQL
Azure. The current SQL Server database must continue to be used by the report.
Which two of the following steps should you perform? (Choose two)
A. You should create an additional SQL Server data source.
B. You should create a SQL Azure data source.
C. You should create a SQL Azure dataset.
D. You should modify the current dataset to use the new data source.
E. You should create an additional dataset that uses the new data source.
Answer: B,E
Microsoft dumps 070-466 070-466 exam simulations 070-466 070-466
NO.9 You work as a developer at ABC.com. The company uses a Microsoft SQL Server 2012
A SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) tabular project you are developing contains a table
named ABCEmployees. The table contains information about ABC.com employees. The table
includes the following columns: Last Name, First Name, LoginID, Department, DepartmentID.
The LoginID contains the logon username (domain\username) for each user.
You want to implement row level security based on the user name of the user currently logged so
that the users can only query data for their respective department.
Which of the following functions should you use as part of a DAX formula for your row filter?
(Choose all that apply).
Answer: C,E
Microsoft practice test 070-466 practice test 070-466 070-466
NO.10 You work as a developer at ABC.com. The company uses a Microsoft SQL Server 2012
An Analysis Services cube you are developing for the Marketing department contains a measure
group named Customers.
You need to be able to determine the number of unique customers.
What should you include in your design?
A. A measure with an expression that calculates a value using the FirstNonEmpty and
LastNonEmpty functions.
B. A measure that uses the DistinctCount aggregate function.
C. A measure with an expression that calculates a value using the Min and Max functions.
D. A measure that uses the Count aggregate function.
Answer: B
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Article Link: http://www.it-tests.com/070-466.html