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Exam Code: GD0-100
Exam Name: Guidance Software (Certification Exam For ENCE North America)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 172 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-02-26

According to the research of the past exams and answers, IT-Tests.com provide you the latest Guidance Software GD0-100 exercises and answers, which have have a very close similarity with real exam. IT-Tests.com can promise that you can 100% pass your first time to attend Guidance Software certification GD0-100 exam.

GD0-100 (Certification Exam For ENCE North America) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/GD0-100.html

NO.1 The acronym ASCII stands for:
A. American Standard Communication Information Index
B. American Standard Code for Information Interchange
C. Accepted Standard Code for Information Interchange
D. Accepted Standard Communication Information Index
Answer: B

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NO.2 If cluster #3552 entry in the FAT table contains a value of ?? this would mean:
A. The cluster is unallocated
B. The cluster is the end of a file
C. The cluster is allocated
D. The cluster is marked bad
Answer: A

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NO.3 Search results are found in which of the following files? Select all that apply.
A. The evidence file
B. The configuration Searches.ini file
C. The case file
Answer: C

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NO.4 The following GREP expression was typed in exactly as shown. Choose the answer(s)
that would result. Jan 1 st , 2?0?00
A. Jan 1st , 1900
B. Jan 1st , 2100
C. Jan 1st , 2001
D. Jan 1st , 2000
Answer: D

Guidance Software   GD0-100   GD0-100

NO.5 Hash libraries are commonly used to:
A. Compare a file header to a file extension.
B. Identify files that are already known to the user.
C. Compare one hash set with another hash set.
D. Verify the evidence file.
Answer: B

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NO.6 Which is the proper formula for determining the size in bytes of a hard drive that uses
cylinders (C), heads (H), and sectors (S) geometry?
A. C X H + S
B. C X H X S + 512
C. C X H X S X 512
D. C X H X S
Answer: C

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NO.7 How are the results of a signature analysis examined?
A. By sorting on the category column in the Table view. By sorting on the category
column in the Table view.
B. By sorting on the signature column in the Table view. By sorting on the signature
column in the Table view.
C. By sorting on the hash sets column in the Table view. By sorting on the hash sets
column in the Table view.
D. By sorting on the hash library column in the Table view. By sorting on the hash
library column in the Table view.
Answer: B

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NO.8 EnCase uses the _________________ to conduct a signature analysis.
A. Both a and b
B. file signature table
C. hash library
D. file Viewers
Answer: B

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NO.9 The following GREP expression was typed in exactly as shown. Choose the answer(s)
that would result. Bob@[a-z]+.com
A. Bob@New zealand.com
B. Bob@My-Email.com
C. Bob@America.com
D. Bob@a-z.com
Answer: C

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NO.10 ROM is an acronym for:
A. Read Open Memory
B. Random Open Memory
C. Read Only Memory
D. Relative Open Memory
Answer: C

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NO.11 When an EnCase user double-clicks on a file within EnCase what determines the action
that will result? Select all that apply
A. The settings in the case file.
B. The settings in the FileTypes.ini file.
C. The setting in the evidence file.
Answer: B

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NO.12 You are an investigator and have encountered a computer that is running at the home of a
suspect. The computer does not appear to be a part of a network. The operating system is
Windows XP Home. No programs are visibly running. You should:
A. Pull the plug from the back of the computer.
B. Turn it off with the power button.
C. Pull the plug from the wall.
D. Shut it down with the start menu.
Answer: A

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NO.13 In Unicode, one printed character is composed of ____ bytes of data.
A. 8
B. 4
C. 2
D. 1
Answer: C

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NO.14 EnCase is able to read and examine which of the following file systems?
Answer: A,B,C,D

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NO.15 The EnCase default export folder is:
A. A case-specific setting that cannot be changed.
B. A case-specific setting that can be changed.
C. A global setting that can be changed.
D. A global setting that cannot be changed.
Answer: B

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NO.16 The default export folder remains the same for all cases.
A. True
B. False

NO.17 Within EnCase, clicking on Save on the toolbar affects what file(s)?
A. All of the above
B. The evidence files
C. The open case file
D. The configuration .ini files
Answer: C

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NO.18 If a floppy diskette is in the ?drive, the computer will always boot to that drive before
any other device. If a floppy diskette is in the ??drive, the computer will always boot to
that drive before any other device.
A. False
B. True

NO.19 A physical file size is:
A. The total size in sectors of an allocated file.
B. The total size of all the clusters used by the file measured in bytes.
C. The total size in bytes of a logical file.
D. The total size of the file including the ram slack in bytes.
Answer: B

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NO.20 If cluster number 10 in the FAT contains the number 55, this means:
A. That cluster 10 is used and the file continues in cluster number 55.
B. That the file starts in cluster number 55 and continues to cluster number 10.
C. That there is a cross-linked file.
D. The cluster number 55 is the end of an allocated file.
Answer: A

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