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Exam Code: ST0-050
Exam Name: Symantec (Symantec Network Access Control 11 (STS))
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Total Q&A: 100 Questions and Answers
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ST0-050 (Symantec Network Access Control 11 (STS)) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 Where does an administrator view compliance log files?
A. from the specific client in the Network Access Control log
B. from the Policy Manager console in the Monitors page
C. from the Policy Manager console in the Admin page
D. from the Enforcer debug logs
Answer: B
Symantec demo ST0-050 ST0-050 practice test
NO.2 Which check can be performed using custom requirements to verify whether a product is running on a
client machine?
A. check that the service is running in the services snap-in
B. check that the service is running
C. check that the service has been stopped
D. check that the service has been registered
Answer: B
Symantec ST0-050 study guide ST0-050 practice test
NO.3 Which three types of data can be used with LAN Enforcers for the authentication sequence? (Choose
A. machine GUID
B. Policy ID
C. Host Integrity state
D. location awareness settings
E. user group
Answer: ACD
Symantec ST0-050 ST0-050 pdf ST0-050 questions
NO.4 A Helpdesk technician is examining the logs for a particular client when he notices something odd. A
Host Integrity event is listed for a client as failing a requirement, but that client machine is still able to
access the network even after having the check rerun several times. Why would the client's Host Integrity
status still pass?
A. The requirement logic is malfunctioning and the Helpdesk technician should notify the administrator to
contact the vendor.
B. It is likely to be a problem with the recording of the status. The log search must be rerun to update the
C. The administrator has configured that requirement to allow the Host Integrity policy to pass even if it
D. The administrator has configured the OS to ignore Host Integrity even when it fails.
Answer: C
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NO.5 What is AVScript.js used for?
A. client status
B. to write to the system log
C. to start the status monitor
D. Host Integrity
Answer: D
Symantec ST0-050 ST0-050 ST0-050 original questions ST0-050
NO.6 Which settings are specific to Antivirus and Antispyware predefined requirements?
A. application startup command
B. signature file check
C. execute an installation package
D. allow user to cancel remediation
Answer: B
Symantec questions ST0-050 ST0-050 ST0-050 answers real questions
NO.7 How should the logical condition of an IF/THEN/ENDIF statement be reversed?
A. add an AND statement
B. enable the Reverse Logic Processing Engine for the requirement
C. use the Transform function of the extended scripting commands
D. toggle the NOT function on the IF portion of the statement
Answer: D
Symantec test ST0-050 answers real questions ST0-050 certification
NO.8 Where are Symantec Network Access Control client packages placed on the Symantec Endpoint
Protection Manager?
A. Client/Policies
B. Admin/Install Packages
C. Policies/Policy Components
D. Clients/Install Packages
Answer: B
Symantec ST0-050 ST0-050 demo ST0-050 dumps ST0-050
NO.9 What is the first step to troubleshoot a custom requirement in a Host Integrity policy?
A. run the Host Integrity check several times
B. carefully examine the logic structure of the conditions
C. examine the Security Compliance Summary reports
D. check the properties of the endpoint from the Clients page
Answer: B
Symantec certification training ST0-050 ST0-050
NO.10 Which two default user accounts are created on an Enforcer? (Choose two.)
A. administrator
B. admin
C. root
D. user
E. guest
Answer: AC
Symantec questions ST0-050 ST0-050 questions
NO.11 How many network interface(s) need to be configured for a Gateway Enforcer appliance?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer: B
Symantec ST0-050 certification training ST0-050 certification training ST0-050
NO.12 What must an administrator specify in a custom requirement that is different from a predefined
A. the client's policy manager domain
B. the client's group assignment
C. the policy's ending Host Integrity state
D. the policy's log entries
Answer: C
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NO.13 How can the client be enabled to write the Host Integrity script to the disk?
A. set a condition in a custom requirement to write the script
B. set it in the Host Integrity policy under Advanced settings
C. enable debug logging through the registry on the endpoint
D. enable from the Clients tab under the Endpoint Machines Properties
Answer: C
Symantec ST0-050 exam simulations ST0-050 answers real questions ST0-050 practice test
NO.14 When choosing to run a script as an action in a custom requirement, which file format(s) can be used
to write the script?
A. only BAT or INI formats
B. only Pearl scripting
C. a custom file format with the .symc extension
D. any executable format recognized by Windows
Answer: D
Symantec ST0-050 test answers ST0-050 test questions ST0-050 exam simulations ST0-050
NO.15 Which custom requirement utility allows an administrator the ability to choose an informative icon to
display to the end user?
A. run a script
B. log message
C. show message dialog
D. run a program
Answer: C
Symantec certification training ST0-050 ST0-050
NO.16 When is Host Integrity Checking enabled on a Symantec Network Access Control (SNAC) client?
A. when the Host Integrity policy is configured and distributed to the client
B. when the SNAC client is updated by LiveUpdate for content
C. during the heartbeat authentication process with the Enforcer
D. automatically when an upgrade to SNAC is made
Answer: A
Symantec original questions ST0-050 certification ST0-050 dumps ST0-050 practice test
NO.17 To verify that a Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager has Symantec Network Access Control
functionality, what change to the Policies tab would an administrator see?
A. Host Integrity
B. Host Checking
C. Host Compliance
D. Host Inspection
Answer: A
Symantec test questions ST0-050 ST0-050 certification
NO.18 What is the default context in which programs are run when using the patch requirement in a Host
Integrity policy?
A. in logged-in user context
B. in system context
C. in administrator user context
D. in domain-user context
Answer: B
Symantec exam prep ST0-050 ST0-050 exam prep ST0-050 exam simulations
NO.19 Which check can be performed using custom requirements to verify whether an antivirus product is
up-to-date on a client machine?
A. check the date of the associated signature data file(s) on the client
B. check the date of the associated signature data files(s) on the LiveUpdate server
C. check the date of the associated signature data file(s) on the IT database
D. check the date of the associated signature data file(s) in the policy manager
Answer: A
Symantec ST0-050 braindump ST0-050 ST0-050 original questions ST0-050 certification training
NO.20 Which two event details are included in a standard Host Integrity log file? (Choose two.)
A. client Host Integrity status
B. name and state of each requirement
C. error messages
D. checked parameter
E. http 200 ok
Answer: AC
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