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Exam Code: 50-710
Exam Name: Novell (Novell Certified Linux Administrator)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 134 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-01-18
Novell certification 50-710 exams has become more and more popular in the fiercely competitive IT industry. Although more and more people sign up to attend this examination of, the official did not reduce its difficulty and it is still difficult to pass the exam. After all, this is an authoritative test to inspect the computer professional knowledge and information technology ability. In order to pass the Novell certification 50-710 exam, generally, many people need to spend a lot of time and effort to review.
50-710 (Novell Certified Linux Administrator) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 Which command is used to enter or change the quota for user tux?
A. quotacheck
B. repquota tux
C. edquota -u tux
D. edquota -g tux
E. /sbin/quotaon tux
Answer: C
Novell 50-710 test 50-710 50-710 certification training
NO.2 Why are the noauto and users options used with /etc/fstab?
A. A normal user is not allowed to access this partition.
B. They allow any user to mount and unmount a partition.
C. They specify the partitions that are bootable by a user.
D. They specify the partitions that are not bootable by a user.
Answer: B
Novell 50-710 exam dumps 50-710 50-710 50-710 questions 50-710 pdf
NO.3 Waht is the correct syntax for mounting the second partition of the first SCSI hard disk?
A. mount /mnt /dev/hda2
B. mount /dev/hda2 /mnt
C. mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt
D. mount /mnt /dev/sdb1
E. mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
F. mount /mnt /dev/sda2
Answer: E
Novell 50-710 50-710 certification 50-710 50-710 50-710
NO.4 How large is an inode?
A. 256 bits
B. 64 Kbytes
C. 128 bytes
D. 1 Mbyte
Answer: C
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NO.5 What information do you need to set up an LDAP client? (Choose 4.)
A. LDAP version
B. LDAP base DN
C. Kind of encryption
D. Synchronization frequency
E. Address of the LDAP server
F. File name of the LDAP database
Answer: ABCE
Novell 50-710 study guide 50-710 test answers 50-710 demo
NO.6 Which statement about the /sbin/ldconfig command is correct?
A. The ldconfig command is used to link directories.
B. The ldconfig command is used to configure an LDAP connection.
C. The ldconfig command is used to update the software library cachE.
D. The ldconfig command is used to show dynamic libraries needed by a program.
Answer: C
Novell test answers 50-710 dumps 50-710 50-710 questions
NO.7 Which user authentication methods can be used with SLES 10? (Choose 4.)
F. Handshake
G. Windows Domain
H. Local (/etc/passwd)
Answer: AEGH
Novell study guide 50-710 50-710 50-710
NO.8 Which command can you use to create a Reiser file system on the sda6 partition? (Choose 2.)
A. mkreiserfs /dev/sda6
B. fdisk.reiserfs /dev/sda6
C. makE. reiserfs /dev/sda6
D. fdisk -t reiserfs /dev/sda6
E. mkfs -t reiserfs /dev/sda6
Answer: AE
Novell 50-710 50-710 50-710 original questions 50-710 exam
NO.9 As system administrator root, you use the lpoptions command to change printer options, such as the
page sizE. To which file are these options saved?
A. ~/.bashrc
B. ~/.lpoptions
C. /etc/cups/lpoptions
D. /etc/sysconfig/cups
Answer: C
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NO.10 You want to view the last 20 lines of the /var/log/messages file and any new lines that are subsequently
added by syslog to this filE. Which command would you use?
A. tail -20f /var/log/messages
B. end -20f /var/log/messages
C. less -20f /var/log/messages
D. follow -20 /var/log/messages
Answer: A
Novell certification training 50-710 50-710 original questions 50-710 50-710 answers real questions 50-710 demo
NO.11 In which file is the host name of a Linux computer configured? (Hint: You do not need to include the
entire patH. )
NO.12 Which statements about the LVM components are correct? (Choose 2.)
A. A volume group is part of a logical volumE.
B. Logical volumes are grouped in a master group.
C. A volume group always consists of one physical volumE.
D. A physical volume can be a partition or an entire hard disk.
E. A volume group can be reduced in size by removing physical volumes.
F. The operating system accesses the volume groups like conventional physical partitions.
Answer: DE
Novell 50-710 answers real questions 50-710 50-710 pdf
NO.13 You would like to run command1 and then command2, whether or not command1 completed
successfully. Which command accomplishes this task?
A. command1 | command2
B. command1 ; command2
C. command1 > command2
D. command1 & command2
Answer: B
Novell 50-710 50-710 50-710 certification training 50-710
NO.14 Which are journaling file systems? (Choose 3.)
B. ext2
C. ext3
E. minix
G. ReiserFS
Answer: ACG
Novell 50-710 test 50-710 certification 50-710 pdf
NO.15 Which statements about partitions are correct? (Choose 3.)
A. Extended partitions can be subdivided into logical partitions.
B. A primary partition consists of a continuous range of cylinders.
C. Logical partitions do not require entries in the main partition tablE.
D. If you use only primary partitions, you are limited to eight partitions per disk.
E. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 can only be installed on a primary partition.
F. To install more than one operating system on a partition, the partition has to include the entire cylinder
Answer: ABC
Novell braindump 50-710 exam simulations 50-710
NO.16 Which is the main configuration file for logrotate?
A. /etc/logrotate
B. /etc/logr.conf
C. /etc/cron/logrotate
D. /etc/logrotatE. conf
Answer: D
Novell 50-710 test questions 50-710 test answers 50-710 test questions 50-710 study guide
NO.17 What is the correct order of steps to change the partition table using fdisk?
A. You can't use fdisk to change a partition tablE.
B. Start fdisk > Change the partition table > Write the partition table to hard disk > Exit fdisk > Reboot.
C. Start fdisk > Change the partition table > Write the partition table to hard disk > Exit fdisk > Load the
partition table from the boot prompt.
D. Start fdisk > Change the partition table > Write the partition table to floppy disk or USB stick > Exit
fdisk > Boot from floppy disk or USB stick.
Answer: B
Novell 50-710 50-710 50-710
NO.18 What is the minimum number of partitions required by a SLES 10 system?
A. None
B. 1
C. 2
D. 4
Answer: C
Novell 50-710 50-710 questions 50-710 dumps
NO.19 Which command can be used to view the inode assigned to a filename?
A. ls -i
B. fsck -h -i
C. inode --list
D. cat /proc/inodes
Answer: A
Novell 50-710 practice test 50-710 50-710 test answers 50-710
NO.20 Which command can you use to check an ext2/ext3 file system for a correct superblock, faulty data
blocks, or faulty allocation of data blocks?
A. df
B. du
C. fdisk
D. e2fsck
E. reiserfsck
Answer: D
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