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Exam Code: 70-672
Exam Name: Microsoft (Design and Providing MS Vol Licensing Solutions to Large Orgs)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 127 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-09-18
About Microsoft 70-672 exam, each candidate is very confused. Everyone has their own different ideas. But the same idea is that this is a very difficult exam. We are all aware of Microsoft 70-672 exam is a difficult exam. But as long as we believe, this will not be a problem.'s Microsoft 70-672 exam training materials is an essential product for each candidate. It is tailor-made for the candidates who will participate in the exam. You will absolutely pass the exam. If you do not believe, then take a look into the website of You will be surprised, because its daily purchase rate is the highest. Do not miss it, and add to your shoppingcart quickly.
70-672 (Design and Providing MS Vol Licensing Solutions to Large Orgs) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 You need to recommend the license that provides access to the company ¯ s Sha r ePo i n t se r v i ces
Which license should you recommend?
A. Office SharePoint Server CAL
B. Office SharePoint Server for Internet sites license
C. Windows Server CAL
D. Windows Server External Connector license
Answer: C
Microsoft 70-672 original questions 70-672 test answers 70-672 70-672 demo
NO.2 Litware, Inc. plans to deploy Exchange Server on their new server.
You need to recommend the licenses that are required for the Exchange deployment.
Which licenses do they require?
A. Windows Server license, Exchange Server External Connector license, and Windows CALs
B. Windows Server per processor licenses, Exchange Server license, and Exchange Server CALs
C. Windows Server license, Exchange Server license, Windows Server CALs, and Exchange Server
D. Windows Server per processor licenses, Exchange Server license, Exchange Server External
Connector license, and Windows Server CALs
Answer: C
Microsoft exam dumps 70-672 certification training 70-672 test answers 70-672 70-672
NO.3 You need to recommend the volume license rights that minimize the costs for Office licenses when
desktops are replaced.
What should you recommend?
A. Downgrade rights
B. Reassignment rights
C. Re-imaging rights
D. New version rights
Answer: B
Microsoft 70-672 test answers 70-672 70-672
NO.4 Contoso plans to enter into an Enterprise Agreement at the end of their current agreement.
You need to identify the price level for which Contoso qualifies.
Which price level should you identify?
A. Enterprise Agreement Level A
B. Enterprise Agreement Level B
C. Enterprise Agreement Level C
D. Enterprise Agreement Level D
Answer: B
Microsoft 70-672 70-672
NO.5 You need to recommend a solution that consolidates the company ¯ s CALs
Which CAL suite should you recommend?
A. Core CAL
B. Enterprise CAL
C. Small Business Server Standard CAL
D. Windows Essential Business Server CAL
Answer: B
Microsoft exam prep 70-672 70-672 exam simulations
NO.6 You need to recommend a solution to support the company business goals for server consolidation.
What solution should you recommend?
A. Deploy Windows Server 2008 with Hyper-V
B. Deploy Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack
C. Deploy Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager
D. Implement Windows Vista Enterprise Centralized Desktop
Answer: A
Microsoft 70-672 test answers 70-672 70-672 70-672 test questions
NO.7 Which Enterprise Agreement feature would allow Litware to accurately budget Office licensing costs
for the next three years?
A. True Up process
B. Upfront payment
C. New version rights
D. Complimentary media
Answer: A
Microsoft certification 70-672 70-672
NO.8 Assuming that Litware grows as expected, in three years which Enterprise Agreement level would
Litware qualify for?
A. Level A
B. Level B
C. Level C
D. Level D
Answer: C
Microsoft 70-672 70-672 exam dumps
NO.9 You need to recommend a payment option based on the business goals of Contoso.
Which payment option should you recommend?
A. Leasing
B. Upfront payment
C. Annual payments
D. Microsoft Financing
Answer: C
Microsoft study guide 70-672 70-672 exam dumps
NO.10 You need to identify the purchasing model that A. Datum currently uses.
Which purchasing model do they currently use?
A. Centralized decision-making and centralized purchasing
B. Centralized decision-making and decentralized purchasing
C. Decentralized decision-making and centralized purchasing
D. Decentralized decision-making and decentralized purchasing
Answer: B
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