
70-687 latest dumps

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Exam Code: 70-687
Exam Name: Microsoft (Configuring Windows 8)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 125 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-09-03

Now Microsoft 70-687 is a hot certification exam in the IT industry, and a lot of IT professionals all want to get Microsoft 70-687 certification. So Microsoft certification 70-687 exam is also a very popular IT certification exam. Microsoft 70-687 certificate is very helpful to your work in the IT industry, which can help promote your position and salary a lot and let your life have more security.

Using IT-Tests.com you can pass the Microsoft 70-687 exam easily. The first time you try to participate in Microsoft 70-687 exam, selecting IT-Tests's Microsoft 70-687 training tools and downloading Microsoft 70-687 practice questions and answers will increase your confidence of passing the exam and will effectively help you pass the exam. Other online websites also provide training tools about Microsoft certification 70-687 exam, but the quality of our products is very good. Our practice questions and answers have high accuracy. Our training materials have wide coverage of the content of the examination and constantly update and compile. IT-Tests.com can provide you with a very high accuracy of exam preparation. Selecting IT-Tests.com can save you a lot of time, so that you can get the Microsoft 70-687 certification earlier to allow you to become a Microsoft IT professionals.

70-687 (Configuring Windows 8) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/70-687.html

NO.1 You are employed as an administrator at ABC.com. The ABC.com network is made up of an
Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain, named ABC.com. All workstations on the
ABC.com network, including laptops, have Windows 8 installed.
Laptop users are able to connect to the ABC.com network via a wired connection, as well as
wirelessly. You have been instructed to make sure that these laptop users are prevented from
automatically updating Windows via their wireless connection.
Which of the following actions should you take?
A. You should consider executing the Remove-NetRoute Windows PowerShell cmdlet.
B. You should consider executing the Remove-NetIPv6Protocol Windows PowerShell cmdlet.
C. You should consider executing the Remove-Neighbor Windows PowerShell cmdlet.
D. You should consider setting ABC.coms wireless network to non-metered.
Answer: D

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NO.2 You are employed as an administrator at ABC.com. The ABC.com network is made up of an
Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain, named ABC.com. All workstations on the
ABC.com network have Windows 8 installed.
You have been instructed to make sure that ABC.coms workstations automatically make use of
the Always Offline mode.
Which of the following actions should you take? (Choose all that apply.)
A. You should consider making use of Group Policy to enable the Configure slow-link mode policy
B. You should consider making use of Group Policy to enable the Enable file synchronization on
costed networks policy setting.
C. You should consider setting the latency to 1 (millisecond).
D. You should consider setting the latency to 1 (second).
Answer: A,C

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NO.3 You are employed as an administrator at ABC.com. The ABC.com network is made up of an
Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain, named ABC.com. All workstations on the
ABC.com network have Windows 8 installed.
You have been instructed to make sure that users have the ability to restore files using a Windows
feature that backs up all libraries in the designated folder.
Which of the following is the feature you should use?
A. File History
B. Previous Versions
C. Shadow Copies
D. Time Machine
Answer: A

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NO.4 You are employed as an administrator at ABC.com. The ABC.com network is made up of an
Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain, named ABC.com. All workstations on the
ABC.com network have Windows 8 installed.
ABC.com has two domain workstations, named ABC-WS07 and ABC-WS08, which are connected
to a single network switch. You have received instructions to devise a remote management
strategy that allows ABC-WS07 to execute commands on ABC-WS08 remotely.
You start by executing the winrs �Cr:ABC-WS08 ipconfig on ABC-WS07. You now need to make
sure that the configuration was successful.
Which of the following actions should you take?
A. You should consider executing the winrm quickconfig command on ABC-WS08.
B. You should consider executing the wevtutil quickconfig command on ABC-WS08.
C. You should consider executing the Winnt quickconfig command on ABC-WS08.
D. You should consider executing the Wdsutil quickconfig command on ABC-WS08.
Answer: A

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NO.5 You are employed as an administrator at ABC.com. The ABC.com network is made up of an
Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain, named ABC.com. All workstations on the
ABC.com network have Windows Vista installed.
All ABC.com workstations have numerous applications installed that were tailored to ABC.com's
needs. You have been informed of ABC.coms intention to obtain new Windows 8 workstations,
and get rid of the current ones.
You have been instructed to make sure that applications that were tailored to ABC.com's needs
will be able to run on the new workstations.
Which of the following actions should you take?
A. You should consider making use of the Windows Application Compatibility Toolkit.
B. You should consider making use of Windows Deployment Services (WDS).
C. You should consider making use of the Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit.
D. You should consider making use of User State Migration Tool (USMT).
Answer: A

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NO.6 You are employed as an administrator at ABC.com. The ABC.com network is made up of an
Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain, named ABC.com. All workstations on the
ABC.com network have Windows 8 installed.
You are in the process of configuring a Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) server on the
ABC.com network.
Which of the following describes reasons for doing this? (Choose all that apply.)
A. It allows for Remote Desktop connections to a corporate network from the Internet without
having to set up virtual private network (VPN) connections.
B. It allows you to share a network connection with other programs running on your computer.
C. It prevents the sharing of a network connection with other programs running on your computer.
D. It enables connections to remote computers across firewalls.
E. It prevents connections to remote computers across firewalls.
Answer: A,B,D

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NO.7 You are employed as an administrator at ABC.com. The ABC.com network is made up of an
Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain, named ABC.com. All workstations on the
ABC.com network, which include a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) chip, have Windows 8
installed and have BitLocker Drive Encryption enabled.
You want to make sure that the TPM owner password cannot be set or altered unless the
computer is connected to the domain and AD DS backup succeeds.
Which of the following actions should you take?
A. You should consider selecting the Require TPM back to AD DS check box by enabling the Turn
on TPM backup to Active Directory Domain Services.
B. You should consider running the Add-TPMSelfWriteACE.vbs cscript.
C. You should consider Get-TPMOwnerInfo.vbs cscript.
D. You should consider configuring the Store BitLocker recovery information in Active Directory
Answer: A

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NO.8 You are employed as an administrator at ABC.com. The ABC.com network is made up of an
Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain, named ABC.com. All workstations on the
ABC.com network have Windows 8 installed.
You have previously configured the workstations to have Windows Remote Management (WinRM)
configured, and to be part of a workgroup.
When you are instructed to make sure that one of the workstations is able to gather event logs
from all the other workgroup workstations, you start by initiating the Windows Event Collector
service on one of the workstations. You then add the selected workstations computer account to
the Event Log Readers local group on the other workgroup workstations.
You have to make sure that the solution works correctly.
Which of the following actions should you take?
A. You should consider adding the selected workstation to the Local Administrators Group.
B. You should consider adding the selected workstation to the Global Administrators Group.
C. You should consider creating a GPO to complete the process.
D. You should consider configuring a new collector-initiated subscription.
Answer: D

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NO.9 You are employed as an administrator at ABC.com. The ABC.com network is made up of an
Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain, named ABC.com. All workstations on the
ABC.com network have Windows 8 installed.
You are in the process of setting up File History on your workstation. You are configuring the Save
copies of files Advanced settings.
Which of the following is the default setting?
A. 15 minutes.
B. 30 minutes.
C. 1 hour.
D. 6 hours.
Answer: C

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NO.10 You are employed as an administrator at ABC.com. The ABC.com network is made up of an
Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain, named ABC.com. All workstations on the
ABC.com network have Windows 8 installed.
You have received a complaint from a ABC.com user, named Kara Lang, regarding faulty devices
and drivers on her workstation. You have decided that the System Diagnostics Data Collector Set
must be run on Kara Langs workstation.
Which of the following is TRUE with regards to the System Diagnostics Data Collector Set?
(Choose two.)
A. Any user can run it on their workstation regardless of what local group they belong to.
B. Only members of the local Administrators group on a workstation can run it on that specific
C. Windows Performance Monitor must be running when it is started.
D. Windows Performance Monitor must not be running when it is started.
Answer: B,C

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