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Exam Name: Pegasystems (PRPC Certified Methodology Black Belt Exam )
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PEGACMBB (PRPC Certified Methodology Black Belt Exam ) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 In the SmartBPM methodology, when should project enablement training (role based training) begin?
(Choose one)
A. Project Initiation
B. Elaboration
C. Inception
D. None of the above
Answer: A
Pegasystems PEGACMBB PEGACMBB test PEGACMBB certification training
NO.2 All of the following are benefits realized from the SmartBPM Methodology EXCEPT: (Choose one)
A. Short release cycles ensure maximum value is obtained along the way
B. Strict project management planning and measurement using tollgate milestones
C. Users provide higher quality requirements for subsequent releases after first-hand experience
D. Planning for multiple releases establishes a framework that ensures value gain in the future
Answer: B
Pegasystems PEGACMBB exam PEGACMBB test PEGACMBB certification PEGACMBB braindump
NO.3 It is a best practice to create an inventory of existing objectives, requirements, use cases, and other
project artifacts because: (Choose Two)
A. Reusing artifacts saves time and effort
B. These artifacts can be used to enter information into the Application Profiler
C. These artifacts can be used to extract information from the Project Management Framework
D. These artifacts are required to create a new application
Answer: A,B
Pegasystems PEGACMBB PEGACMBB braindump
NO.4 The full scope of the Directly Capturing Objectives (DCO) session is defined as running the Application
Profiler during the Inception phase. True or False
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Pegasystems practice test PEGACMBB PEGACMBB dumps PEGACMBB exam simulations
NO.5 The following action occurs during all phases of the SmartBPM Methodology: (Choose one)
A. Quality checks
B. Governance
C. Directly Capturing Objectives
D. All of the above
Answer: D
NO.6 The program roadmap presents the big picture for solution development. This roadmap is divided into
_____ which are divided into _____ which are made up of _____. (Choose one)
A. Use cases, slivers, projects
B. Projects, use cases, slivers
C. Use cases, projects, slivers
D. Projects, slivers, use cases
Answer: D
Pegasystems pdf PEGACMBB exam prep PEGACMBB PEGACMBB
NO.7 From a flow rule you can see links to what elements of the flow? (Choose four)
A. Various shapes in the flow
B. Requirements
C. Starting models
D. Flow-wide Local Actions
E. Entire flows
Answer: A,B,D,E
Pegasystems PEGACMBB PEGACMBB certification PEGACMBB certification training
NO.8 When these artifacts are combined they result in a checklist that shows the business has received the
expected value from this application: (Choose two)
A. Objectives
B. Requirements
C. Use cases
D. Project scenarios
Answer: A,B
NO.9 Use case rules can reference or be referenced by which other rules? (Choose 3)
A. Flows
B. Activities
C. Requirements
D. Validation rules
E. Properties
Answer: A,B,C
Pegasystems pdf PEGACMBB certification training PEGACMBB braindump
NO.10 The following processes/tools are used in the Inception phase EXCEPT: (Choose one)
A. Project Plan Template
B. Methodology Alignment Workshop
C. Project Management Framework
D. Test Management Framework
Answer: D
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Education degree does not equal strength, and it does not mean ability. Education degree just mean that you have this learning experience only. And the real ability is exercised in practice, it is not necessarily linked with the academic qualifications. Do not feel that you have no ability, and don't doubt yourself. When you choose to participate in the Pegasystems PEGACMBB exam, it is necessary to pass it. If you are concerned about the test, however, you can choose's Pegasystems PEGACMBB exam training materials. No matter how low your qualifications, you can easily understand the content of the training materials. And you can pass the exam successfully.