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Exam Code: EK0-001
Exam Name: CompTIA (E-Biz+)
EK0-001 (E-Biz+) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 .An example of a click and mortar alliance would be a partnership between a(n)
A. Established traditional retailer and a Web community.
B. Web community and a trade association.
C. E-Marketplace and an Application Service Provider.
D. On-line storefront and an Internet Service Provider.
Answer: A
CompTIA certification EK0-001 test answers EK0-001 EK0-001 original questions EK0-001 exam
NO.2 .In E-Business, which of the following is the most common element in determining the
pricing strategy for the business?
A. Business financial status
B. Overall business model
C. Product availability
D. Product delivery
Answer: B
CompTIA EK0-001 EK0-001 EK0-001
NO.3 .What are three ways to increase consumer awareness of a Web site? (Choose three)
A. Have links on other Web sites.
B. Submit information about your Web site to search engines.
C. Advertise on traditional media.
D. Utilize a value-added network.
Answer: A, B, C
CompTIA certification EK0-001 EK0-001 test answers EK0-001 certification
NO.4 .Which of the following is not a lesson learned from e-tailing?
A. Maintaining marginal profits on each sale.
B. Make sure your website performs well.
C. Establish branding whenever possible.
D. Focus on market share.
Answer: D
CompTIA exam simulations EK0-001 original questions EK0-001 exam dumps EK0-001 exam simulations
NO.5 .A new advantage to consumer at click-and-mortar stores is:
A. The ability to use multiple credit cards.
B. Overnight delivery.
C. The ability to return online purchases to brick-and-mortar stored.
D. Longer warrantee periods.
Answer: C
CompTIA EK0-001 EK0-001 certification EK0-001 braindump EK0-001 dumps
NO.6 What differentiates client/server applications from other types of
A. A telnet session to a web server.
B. Processing is divided between the requested and providing applications.
C. Reliance on relational database technology and dumb terminals.
D. Using a workstation to view remote data on a mainframe computer.
Answer: B
CompTIA dumps EK0-001 demo EK0-001 original questions EK0-001 test answers
NO.7 Which one of the following best describes spamming?
A. Authorized sending of e-mail to business and people who have agreed to receive your
B. Unauthorized receiving of e-mails by businesses and people who have not agreed to receive
your messages.
C. Mail that comes through the post office rather than electronic format.
D. Unauthorized sending of e-mails to businesses and people who have not agreed to receive
your messages.
Answer: D
CompTIA EK0-001 EK0-001 test
NO.8 Which of the following is required for enabling SSL on the web server?
A. Shopping Cart Software
B. Digital Certificate
C. Internet Merchant Bank Account
D. Warehouse
E. Web hosting
Answer: B
CompTIA exam simulations EK0-001 EK0-001
NO.9 The Business Service Provider (BSP) is:
A. Internet service developers that rents only its own proprietary applications via the Web.
B. A company that offers packaged software for lease online.
C. A service provider that packages a selection of applications for distribution online.
D. A specialized company that connects customers with PCs and browsers to the Internet.
Answer: B
CompTIA exam dumps EK0-001 EK0-001 EK0-001 dumps EK0-001 original questions
NO.10 .What are the three basic components of E-Business trigger-point planning? (Choose three)
A. Business case
B. Application structure
C. Prioritization blueprint
D. Application implementation
Answer: A, C, D
CompTIA EK0-001 exam simulations EK0-001 exam EK0-001 demo EK0-001 practice test
NO.11 .A collaborative Internet based network to link an enterprise with a specific group of its supplies
or customers is commonly referred to as a(n):
A. Internet
B. Extranet
C. CONet
D. Intranet
Answer: B
CompTIA EK0-001 exam prep EK0-001 EK0-001
NO.12 .Jenny has decided to make her online purchase of DVD movies from a particular retailer
because their site is easy to use and she can order quickly.
What decision criteria is she using?
A. Personal Service
B. Convenience
C. Value Proposition
D. Online Service
Answer: B
CompTIA EK0-001 practice test EK0-001 certification training EK0-001
NO.13 .What are three protocols that are part of the TCP/IP suite? (Choose three)
A. File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
B. NetBEUI Protocol.
C. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
D. Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP).
Answer: A, C, D
CompTIA demo EK0-001 braindump EK0-001
NO.14 .What does the term "banner blindness" refer to?
A. The growing trend of adding interactivity to banner advertisement to increase their visibility.
B. The anonymous tracking of banner impressions and browsing behaviors across multiple sites.
C. The refusal of companies to acknowledge banner advertising as a valuable advertising
D. The growing trend of visitors completely ignoring banner advertisements.
Answer: D
CompTIA braindump EK0-001 questions EK0-001
NO.15 .Which of the following provides a single point of access to network resources in your
E-Business infrastructure for your business partners?
A. Tree
B. Browser
C. Domain
D. Directory service
Answer: D
CompTIA braindump EK0-001 certification training EK0-001 EK0-001
NO.16 .Incremental planning based on short term milestones, which is often used in E-Business, is
A. True return on investment.
B. Trigger-point planning.
C. Trig's event planning.
D. Solid contingency planning.
Answer: B
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NO.17 .A Web site offers daily news content for free, but has banners at the top of each page.
What business model is being used?
A. Store A does not have a physical location and sells a variety of products online.
B. Store B does not have a physical location and sells a specific type of product.
C. Store C has a physical location and a Web site. A variety of products are sold.
D. Store D has a physical location. A variety of products are sold.
Answer: A
CompTIA certification training EK0-001 test questions EK0-001 EK0-001
NO.18 .VPNsare most susceptible to what type of attacks?
A. Trojan
B. Sniffing
C. Man in the middle
D. Virus
E. DoS
Answer: C
CompTIA EK0-001 EK0-001 practice test
NO.19 .You E-Business site suffers from hacker attacks. You want to seek information on the
latest Internet security issues.
Which of the following organizations might provide you with the information?
A. Netscape
Answer: C
CompTIA exam dumps EK0-001 EK0-001
NO.20 .Which of the following is not a lesson learned from e-tailing?
A. Maintaining marginal profits on each sale.
B. Make sure your website performs well.
C. Establish branding whenever possible.
D. Focus on market share.
Answer: D
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