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Cisco certification 650-292 exam has become a very popular test in the IT industry, but in order to pass the exam you need to spend a lot of time and effort to master relevant IT professional knowledge. In such a time is so precious society, time is money. provide a training scheme for Cisco certification 650-292 exam, which only needs 20 hours to complete and can help you well consolidate the related IT professional knowledge to let you have a good preparation for your first time to participate in Cisco certification 650-292 exam.
Exam Code: 650-292
Exam Name: Cisco (TelePresence Video Sales Specialist for Express Exam)
Only to find ways to success, do not make excuses for failure. To pass the Cisco 650-292 exam, in fact, is not so difficult, the key is what method you use.'s Cisco 650-292 exam training materials is a good choice. It will help us to pass the exam successfully. This is the best shortcut to success. Everyone has the potential to succeed, the key is what kind of choice you have. Cisco 650-292 exam training materials have the best price value. Compared to many others training materials,'s Cisco 650-292 exam training materials are the best. If you need IT exam training materials, if you do not choose's Cisco 650-292 exam training materials, you will regret forever. Select's Cisco 650-292 exam training materials, you will benefit from it last a lifetime.
650-292 (TelePresence Video Sales Specialist for Express Exam) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 What is a benefit of the Cisco TelePresencelnteroperability Protocol?
Select exactly1.answer(s) from the following:
A. It allows SIP and H.323 to function interchangeably.
B. It allows direct interoperability between CTS and non-CTS devices.
C. It allows for secure traversal of the firewall.
D. It provides for high-definition video, unlike other protocols that only support standard definition.
Answer: B
Cisco 650-292 test 650-292 test
NO.2 Which endpoint offers a camera that can also be used as a document camera.?
A. Profile 42
B. EX90
C. E20
D. C20
Answer: B
Cisco 650-292 exam prep 650-292 original questions 650-292
NO.3 When we talk about selling along the immersive curve, what do we mean?
Select exactly 1answer(s) from the following:
A. to recognize that the business use-case determines immersive needs, and that immersive needs will
determine the product selection
B. to talk about immersive applications but move the customer to cheaper solutions
C. to place point-to-point video conferencing at the center of collaborationarchitecture
D. to decide for the customer which product is best
Answer: A
Cisco questions 650-292 650-292 exam prep 650-292 demo
NO.4 Which of these is a key feature of the Cisco MXE 5600 Series?
Select exactly 1 answer(s) from the following:
A. increased number of ports to connect to end points
B. secure fire wall traversal
C. support one button to push scheduled meetings
D. support for third party multi-screen experience
Answer: C
Cisco 650-292 650-292 650-292 650-292 test
NO.5 To provide fire wall traversal, which components are needed? Select exactly 1 answer(s) from the
A. 2 CiscoTelePresenceVideo Communication Server Expressways
B. 1 CiscoTelePresenceVideo Communication Server Control and 2 CiscoTelePresenceVideo
Communication Server Expressways
C. 1 CiscoTelePresenceVideo Communication Server Control and 1 CiscoTelePresenceVideo
Communication Server Expressway
D. 2 CiscoTelePresenceVideo Communication Server Controls
Answer: C
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