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Exam Code: HP2-E14
Exam Name: HP (HP Service Sales Professional)
HP HP2-E14 certification can guarantee you have good job prospects, because HP certification HP2-E14 exam is a difficult test of IT knowledge, passing HP certification HP2-E14 exam proves that your IT expertise a strong and you can be qualified for a good job.
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HP2-E14 (HP Service Sales Professional) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/HP2-E14.html
NO.1 What is the correct sequence for a successful HP Care Pack Services sales process?
A. Introduce services, illustrate cost of downtime, relate value to customer objectives, compare
cost of service to cost of downtime, and reinforce credibility
B. Introduce services, relate value to customer objectives, reinforce credibility, illustrate cost of
downtime, and compare cost of service to cost of downtime
C. Introduce services, reinforce credibility, relate value to customer objectives, illustrate cost of
downtime, and compare cost of service to cost of downtime
D. Introduce services, illustrate cost of downtime, compare cost of service to cost of downtime,
reinforce credibility, and relate value to customer objectives
Answer: C
HP dumps HP2-E14 HP2-E14 exam HP2-E14 exam
NO.2 Can you improve your margin by including services at the point of product sales?
A. Yes. if you offer the right service.
B. No, if the customer does not ask for services, you must sell them at cost, so no margin is left
and the order margin percentage decreases.
C. No, because offering services together with the product means that you are not selling a
qualitative product and there is a risk of losing the total sale
D. Yes. the increased order value (extra 15% to 30%) has a positive impact on the total margin,
and a typical sen/ice margin is even higher than the product margin
Answer: D
HP test HP2-E14 HP2-E14
NO.3 Why is it important to introduce services early in the sales cycle for an HP Integrity solution?
(Select three.)
A. You can provide higher services discounts early in the sales cycle.
B. if you do not, the competition might step in to provide the service solution
C. Your value proposition is stronger with services included from the beginning
D. The customer's budget may not be stretched later on to accommodate additional services.
E. The standard warranty, that provides basic protection against downtime and services, is an
important component to provide a complete solution
Answer: B,C,E
HP HP2-E14 exam prep HP2-E14 test HP2-E14 certification HP2-E14 test questions
NO.4 What is the typical percentage profit margin for HP Care Pack Support Services compared with
HP products?
A. bigger
B. similar
C. smaller
D. depends on which HP Care Pack
Answer: A
HP certification HP2-E14 HP2-E14 demo HP2-E14 dumps
NO.5 According to research, approximately what percentage of all helpdesk calls are related to
commercial printers?
A. less than 10%
B. more than 50%
C. more than 75%
D. between 10% and 20%
Answer: B
HP test questions HP2-E14 answers real questions HP2-E14
Having HP certification HP2-E14 exam certificate is equivalent to your life with a new milestone and the work will be greatly improved. I believe that everyone in the IT area is eager to have it. A lot of people in the discussion said that such a good certificate is difficult to pass and actually the pass rate is quite low. Not having done any efforts of preparation is not easy to pass, after all, HP certification HP2-E14 exam requires excellent expertise. Our IT-Tests.com is a website that can provide you with a shortcut to pass HP certification HP2-E14 exam. IT-Tests.com have a training tools of HP certification HP2-E14 exam which can ensure you pass HP certification HP2-E14 exam and gain certificate, but also can help you save a lot of time. Such a IT-Tests.com that help you gain such a valuable certificate with less time and less money is very cost-effective for you.