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Exam Code: C2010-578
Exam Name: Fundamentals of Applying Tivoli Service Availability and Performance Management Solutions V3
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C2010-578 Latest Dumps Total Q&A: 120 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-10-27

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Exam Code: C2010-565
Exam Name: IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition V3.9 Implementation
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
C2010-565 Exam Tests Total Q&A: 122 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-10-27

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NO.1 How can discovery be configured to run at 7:00 p.m. every night?
A. run the script $PRECI`SION_HOME/scripts/perl/scripts/ncp_autodiscovery.pl 1900
B. edit the SPRECISIONJHOMBdisco/stitchers/FullDiscovery.stch file and add in the line within
the StitcherTrigger section:
ActOnDemand(( m_TimeOfDay) values (1900););
C. edit the $PRECISION_HOME/disco/stitchers/FullDiscovery.stch file and add in the line within
the StitcherTrigger section:
ActOnTimedTrigger(( m_TimeOfDay) values (1900););
D. edit the $PRECISION_HOME/disco/stitchers/FullDiscovery stch stitcher and add in the line
within the StitcherRules section:
ActOnDemand(( m_TimeOfDay) values (1900););
Answer: C

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NO.2 In IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition V3.9 given a requirement to discover a new node but not
place it in the topology correctly, which two tasks must be performed when doing partial rediscovery?
(Choose two.)
A. ensure the option Network Discovery Configuration > Advanced > Enable Rediscovery Rebuild Layers
is checked
B. ensure the necessary agents are enabled under Network Discovery Configuration > Partial
Rediscovery Agents tab
C. ensure the option Network Discovery Configuration > Advanced > Enable Rediscovery Rebuild Layers
is unchecked
D. ensure the option Network Discovery Configuration > Advanced > Enable Rediscovery of Related
Devices is checked
E. ensure the option Network Discovery Configuration > Advanced > Enable Rediscovery of Related
Devices is unchecked
Answer: B,C

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NO.3 A customer wants to deploy IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition V3.9 (ITNM) in their environment.
They plan to discover and monitor specific various network devices and servers that are throughout their
enterprise. The customer wants to ensure that they manage only a list of devices in their network with a
specific naming convention. They currently keep track of these devices using a CSV file of IP addresses,
hostnames and locations and have SNMP and ping access to these systems. Currently their DNS server
and SysName naming conventions are not consistent. The customer also wants to ensure that they do
not discover IP addresses outside the CSV list.
Which discovery seeding method best suits their ITNM configuration?
A. configure the Collector Finder by seeding the discovery and converting the CSV file to an XML file
B. configure the Ping Finder by adding a list of subnets from the list of IP addresses using the CSV file
C. configure the File Finder to point to the CSV file on the Network Manager server with a comma
D. ensure Feedback is enabled and then configure the Ping Finder and the File Finder by adding a list of
subnets using the CSV file
Answer: C

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NO.4 A custom event has been added requiring the creation of a new EventMap. How is this EventMap
associated with the RCA plug-in?
A. register the EventMap with the RCA plug-in using the ncp_gwplugins.pl script
B. ensure that the Eventld is mapped to the EventMap in the NcoGatelnserts.cfg file
C. edit the EventGatewaySchema.cfg and include the EventMap in the ncp2nco section
D. no action needed - any EventMap in the EventGatewaySchema.cfg file will be passed to the RCA
plug-in by default
Answer: A

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NO.5 What is the primary issue with installing IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition V3.9 (ITNM) as a root
user on a single UNIX system in combination with other Tivoli products?
A. The system will not run properly as a root user.
B. ITNM might not be compatible with other Tivoli products.
C. There are no issues related to installing as root on a UNIX system.
D. There are extra post-installation configuration steps to complete in order to run the core components
as the root user.
Answer: B

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NO.6 How should an administrator deploy IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition V3.9 using a command line
installation on a Windows system?
A. console_install.exe
B. launchpad_console.exe
C. launchpad.exe -console
D. install.exe -i console
Answer: D

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NO.7 Which restriction is in place when using a silent install mode?
A. The installation process cannot be canceled at any time
B. The silent install file cannot be edited after it has been created.
C. The silent install file cannot be moved between hosts and then reused.
D. The silent install mode is only suitable for a default standard installation
Answer: A

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NO.8 A customer wants to add some logic around specific IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition V3.9 poller
generated events. Where would an administrator put this logic?
A. add an exception filter clause to the ncmonitor.noEvent table
B. modify the nco_p_ncpmonitor rules file to include the required logic
C. modify the ncp_poller event generation ruleset to prevent the events from being sent
D. change the EventGatewaySchema.cfg configuration file to prevent the events from reaching the
Answer: B

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