
C-SRM-72 Real Questions, C_TSCM66_66 Practice Exam

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Exam Code: C-SRM-72
Exam Name: SAP Certified Application Associate - Supplier Relationship Management 7.2
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
C-SRM-72 Exam Cram Total Q&A: 90 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-10-20

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Exam Code: C_TSCM66_66
Exam Name: SAP Certified Application Associate - Logistics Execution and Warehouse Management with SAP ERP 6.0 EHP6
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
C_TSCM66_66 Practice Test Total Q&A: 206 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-10-20

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NO.1 Which master data is maintained in the SRM system?
A. Business partners
B. Cost centers
C. Purchasing info records
D. Asset master data
Answer: A

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NO.2 Which step allows the ALE distribution model to be visible on the receiver system?
A. Creation of the model
B. Distribution of the model
C. Generation of the partner profile on the SRM server
D. Generation of the partner profile on the ERP system
Answer: B

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NO.3 In which implementation are product categories replicated without CRM middleware?
A. SRM 7.2 and ERP 6.0 on one client using classic scenario
B. SRM 7.2 and ERP 6.0 on separate clients using extended classic scenario
C. SRM 7.2 and ERP 6.0 on separate clients using classic scenario
D. SRM 7.2 and ERP 6.0 on one client using extended classic scenario
Answer: A

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NO.4 What option in Import Manager is used to map 1 source field to multiple destination fields?
A. Compounding
B. Adding
C. Cloning
D. Renaming
Answer: C

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NO.5 Your customer is implementing SRM 7.2 with ECC 6.0 EhP4. What will be required in their
system landscape to create Central Contracts in SRM?
A. SRM-MDM Catalog
B. SAP NetWeaver PI
C. SAP E-Sourcing
D. SAP CLM (Contract Lifecycle Management)
Answer: B

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7. What do you need to consider when replicating master data from SAP ERP to SAP SRM?
A. Customizing objects must be replicated before business objects.
B. Materials and service masters replicated from ERP use the same product type in SRM.
C. IDocs are used to replicate materials from ERP .
D. Units of Measure (UoM) cannot be replicated from ERP using CRM Middleware.
Answer: A

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8. Which of the following are OCI outbound parameters? (Choose two)
A. Logical system
C. Business Partner
D. User name
Answer: B,D

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9. Which attribute within the organizational plan specifies the backend system where the
account assignment data is checked?
A. System alias for accounting systems
B. System alias for logical system
C. System alias
D. System alias for vendor
Answer: A

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10. In order to distribute the workload of purchasers, SRM offers the so called automatic
assignment. In this context, which of the following are true?
A. Automatic assignment can be done for External requirements, Purchase Orders or Contracts.
B. The BADI BBP_PFRP_ASSIGN_BADI is used to define rules.
C. Documents can be assigned to purchasing groups that are themselves assigned to different
purchasing organizations
D. One purchase requisition can have multiple lines, each of which is assigned to a different
purchasing group.
Answer: A,B,D

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NO.6 What controls the transfer of shopping cart follow-on documents from the SRM server to the
backend system?
A. Driver
B. IDoc
C. Dispatcher
D. Spooler
Answer: D

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