
Free download Oracle certification 1Z0-144 exam questions and answers

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Exam Code: 1Z0-144

Exam Name: Oracle (Oracle Database 11g: Program with PL/SQL)

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1Z0-144 (Oracle Database 11g: Program with PL/SQL) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/1Z0-144.html

NO.1 View the Exhibit to examine the PL/SQL code:
SREVROUPUT is on for the session. Which statement Is true about the output of the PL/SQL block?
A. The output is x = y.
B. It produces an error.
C. The output Is x != y.
D. The output Is Can't tell if x and y are equal or not.
Answer: A

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NO.2 Which statements are true about PL/SQL procedures? (Choose all that apply.)
A. Users with definer's rights who are granted access to a procedure that updates a table must be granted
access to the table itself.
B. Reuse of parsed PL/SQL code that becomes available in the shared SQL area of the server avoids the
parsing overhead of SQL statements at run time.
C. Depending on the number of calls, multiple copies of the procedure are loaded into memory for
execution by multiple users to speed up performance.
D. A PL/SQL procedure executing on the Oracle database can call an external procedure or function that
is written in a different programming language, such as C or Java.
Answer: B,D

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NO.3 View the exhibit and examine the structure of the products table.
Examine the following code
Which statement is true when the procedure DELETE_DETAILS is invoked?
A. It executes successfully but no error messages get recorded in the DEBUG_OUTPUT table
B. It executes successfully and any error messages get recorded in the DEBUG_OUTPUT table.
C. It gives an error because PRAGMA AUTONOMOUSJTRANSACTION can be used only in packaged
D. It gives an error because procedures containing PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION cannot
be called from the exception section.
Answer: B

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NO.4 Which two tasks should be created as functions instead of as procedures? (Choose two.)
A. reference host or bind variables in a PL7SQL block of code
B. tasks that compute and return multiple values to the calling environment
C. tasks that compute a value that must be returned to the calling environment
D. tasks performed in SQL that increase data independence by processing complex data analysis within
the Oracle server, rather than by retrieving the data into an application
Answer: A,B

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NO.5 The STRING_TAB table has the following structure:
View the Exhibit and examine the code.
What is the outcome on execution?
A. It displays
Out put buffer not long enough.
This is my test string.-.
B. It displays only
Output buffer not long enough, and exits the anonymous block.
C. It displays only
This is my test string. - Because EXCEPTION should have been defined in the anonymous block
to get the error message.
D. It does not display any of the MEMS_PUTPUT messages and gives an error because a
transaction control statement cannot be used in the exception section of a procedure.
Answer: A

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NO.6 View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the customer table.
Examine the following trigger code:
What is the outcome when the above trigger is compiled?
A. It compiles successfully.
B. It gives an error because the when condition is not valid.
C. It gives an error because when cannot be used for row-level triggers.
D. It gives an error because the statements under updating are not valid.
E. It gives an error because the new qualifier in the when clause requires a colon prefix.
Answer: A

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NO.7 Examine the following command:
SET plsql_warnings *
What is the implication of the above command.?
A. It issues a warning whenever ERROR: 05003 occur during compilation.
B. It causes the compilation to fail whenever the warning ERROR.05003 occurs.
C. It issues warnings whenever the code causes an unexpected action or wrong results performance
D. It causes the compilation to fail whenever the code gives wrong results or contains statements that are
never executed.
Answer: C

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NO.8 Examine the following block of code: Which line in the above code would result in errors upon
A. line 5
B. line 8
C. line 2
D. line 7
Answer: B

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NO.9 View Exhibit1 and examine the structure of the employees table.
View Exhibit2 and examine the code.
What would be the outcome when the code is executed?
A. It executes successfully.
B. It gives an error because the SAL variable is not visible in the increase function.
C. It gives an error because the increase function cannot be called from the RAISE_SALARY procedure.
D. It gives an error because the increase function and the RAISE_SALARY procedure should be declared
at the beginning of the declare section before all the other declarations.
Answer: A

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NO.10 What is the correct definition of the persistent state of a packaged variable?
A. It is a private variable defined in a procedure or function within a package body whose value is
consistent within a user session.
B. It is a public variable in a package specification whose value is consistent within a user session.
C. It is a private variable in a package body whose value is consistent across all current active sessions.
D. It is a public variable in a package specification whose value is always consistent across all current
active sessions.
Answer: B

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Oracle certification 1Z0-144 exam is the first step for the IT employees to set foot on the road to improve their job. Passing Oracle certification 1Z0-144 exam is the stepping stone towards your career peak. IT-Tests.com can help you pass Oracle certification 1Z0-144 exam successfully.

