
Best SAP C-TFIN52-65 test training guide

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Having SAP certification C-TFIN52-65 exam certificate is equivalent to your life with a new milestone and the work will be greatly improved. I believe that everyone in the IT area is eager to have it. A lot of people in the discussion said that such a good certificate is difficult to pass and actually the pass rate is quite low. Not having done any efforts of preparation is not easy to pass, after all, SAP certification C-TFIN52-65 exam requires excellent expertise. Our IT-Tests.com is a website that can provide you with a shortcut to pass SAP certification C-TFIN52-65 exam. IT-Tests.com have a training tools of SAP certification C-TFIN52-65 exam which can ensure you pass SAP certification C-TFIN52-65 exam and gain certificate, but also can help you save a lot of time. Such a IT-Tests.com that help you gain such a valuable certificate with less time and less money is very cost-effective for you.

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Exam Code: C-TFIN52-65

Exam Name: SAP (SAP Certified Application Associate - Financial Accounting with SAP ERP 6.0 EHP5)

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C-TFIN52-65 (SAP Certified Application Associate - Financial Accounting with SAP ERP 6.0 EHP5) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/C-TFIN52-65.html

NO.1 Your customer runs an SAP ERP system with New General Ledger Accounting
What do you need to do for Profit Center updates to be part of the general ledger?
A. Activate transfer prices in Profit Center Accounting.
B. Set up the same group currency for all company codes and profit centers.
C. Deactivate document splitting for profit centers.
D. Assign the Profit Center Update scenario to the ledger.
Answer: D

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NO.2 What are the prerequisites for setting up cross-company cost accounting? (Choose
A. The same chart of accounts is used for all company codes.
B. The same fiscal year is used for all company codes.
C. The same variant for open periods is used for all company codes.
D. The same currency is used for all company codes.
Answer: A,B

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NO.3 Which of the following lists can be printed to help you edit a dunning proposal?
(Choose two)
A. Condensed master data
B. Blocked accounts
C. Blocked line items
D. Sales statistics
Answer: B,C

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NO.4 You want to use external number assignment for specific document types.
What is the special feature of external number assignment?
A. The numbers can be alphanumeric.
B. The number ranges can overlap.
C. The number ranges can be used across all company codes.
D. The system issues the numbers automatically.
Answer: A

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NO.5 If a vendor is also a customer, it is possible to clear both roles against each other.
Which settings are necessary to implement this? (Choose two)
A. The "Clearing with Vendor" field must be selected in the customer account, and the
corresponding field
must be selected in the vendor account.
B. The vendor and the customer must be assigned to the same group account.
C. The vendor number must be entered in the customer account or the customer number
must be entered
in the vendor account.
D. The payment program must be set up to allow debit checks for vendors and credit checks
Answer: A,C

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NO.6 In a payment run, the data entered for a payment method in the document may differ
from the master
How is this resolved by the system?
A. Document data overrides master data.
B. The payment run stops and the system issues an error message.
C. The payment run temporarily stops, and the system prompts you to correct the data. After
you have
corrected the data, the payment run continues.
D. Master data overrides document data.
Answer: A

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NO.7 What is the maximum number of line items of an FI document?
A. Unlimited
B. 999
C. 99
D. 9999
Answer: B

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NO.8 What do you define when you configure a dunning procedure?
A. Dunning levels and the language of the dunning note
B. Dunning levels and account determination to post dunning interest
C. Dunning charges for each dunning level and customers to be dunned
D. Dunning levels and dunning charges for each dunning level
Answer: D

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NO.9 Which of the following objects can you post to via the cash journal? (Choose two)
A. Asset master
B. Accrual Engine
C. Customer
D. One-time customer
E. Material master
Answer: C,D

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NO.10 What does the posting key control.? (Choose three)
A. Account type
B. Document type
C. Field status
D. Debit/credit indicator
E. Number range
Answer: A,C,D

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SAP C-TFIN52-65 exam candidates all know the SAP C-TFIN52-65 exam is not easy to pass. But it is also the only way to success, so they have to choose it. In order to improve the value of your career, you must pass this certification exam. The exam questions and answers designed by IT-Tests.com contain different targeted, and have wide coverage. There is no any other books or other information can transcend it. The question bprovided by IT-Tests.com definitely ace exam questions and answers that help you pass the exam. The results many people used prove that IT-Tests.com success rate of up to 100%. IT-Tests.com is the only way that suits you to pass the exam, choose it equal to create a better future.

