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Exam Code: 000-596
Exam Name: IBM (IBM Security Access Manager for Enterprise Single Sign-On V8.2 Implementation)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 137 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-09-02
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000-596 (IBM Security Access Manager for Enterprise Single Sign-On V8.2 Implementation) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 How can performance of a remote AccessAgent in a Citrix deployment be improved?
A. Remove the profiles from the wallet
B. Set the machine policy to cache the user wallet
C. Set the machine policy to query the IMS Server for credentials
D. Set the machine policy to synchronize the wallet every 30 seconds
Answer: B
IBM certification training 000-596 000-596
NO.2 Which statement is true regarding Serial ID Service Provider Interface (SPI) API?
A. SPI specifies a set of functions to enable biometric support.
B. SPI specifies a set of functions to enable Mobile ActiveCode.
C. SPI is a programmatic interface intended for integrating AccessAgent with third-party¡ ¯ Serial ID
devices used for two factor authentication.
D. SPI must be installed on every node in an IBM WebSphere Application Server cluster in order
to enable second factor authentication support.
Answer: C
IBM exam simulations 000-596 test questions 000-596 000-596 practice test 000-596 certification 000-596 exam dumps
NO.3 What is the default log level for an installed AccessAgent on a client system?
A. Log Level 1
B. Log Level 2
C. Log Level 3
D. Log Level 4
Answer: A
IBM original questions 000-596 dumps 000-596
NO.4 After an administrator has revoked a user account from the IBM Security Access Manager
Enterprise Single Sign-On V8.2 (ISAM ESSO) Server, how can a user access the same account?
A. Re-cache the wallet
B. Change the password
C. Re-login with proper user name and password
D. Delete the user from SAM ESSO and sign up with the same user account
Answer: D
IBM 000-596 000-596
NO.5 Which rights are required for lookup user while configuring a user repository for IBM Security
Access Manager for Enterprise Single Sign-On V8.2 users?
A. Admin rights
B. Lookup rights
C. Replication rights
D. Back Up Operator rights
Answer: B
IBM exam 000-596 certification 000-596 000-596
NO.6 If using the IBM Security Access Manager Enterprise Single Sign-On V8.2 (ISAM ESSO) adapter,
what is a prerequisite if the IMS Server is configured for Enterprise Directory password sync?
A. The Active Directory (AD) account must exist before the ISAMESSO account can be
B. No ISAM ESSO password policies can be set up; only the corporate AD password policies
C. The IMS account ID must include the domain if the IMS account is provisioned before the AD
D. No prerequisites on accounts; all restrictions from earlier releases have been removed from the
ISAM ESSO release.
Answer: A
IBM 000-596 pdf 000-596 exam prep 000-596 000-596
NO.7 A customer has updated an enterprise application and IBM Security Access Manager
Single Sign-On V8.2 does not inject credentials anymore. What can be done?
A. Install the latest fix pack on all AccessAgents and check if the application works.
B. Use AccessStudio to test the new application and understand what has changed in the
application¡ ¯s signature. Update the AccessProfile to match the new updated application. Replace
the AccessProfile on the IMS Server.
C. Erom AccessStudio, launch the updated application and use the AccessAgent.log file to
understand what has changed in the application¡ ¯s signature. Update the AccessProfile to match
the new updated application. Replace the AccessProfile on the IMS Server.
D. Update the system policies to enable AccessProfile Test mode. Troubleshoot the updated
application then update the AccessProfile on the IMS Server. Wait for the next AccessAgent
synchronization for the profile to be sent from the IMS Server to the AccessAgent. Eventually
disable the AccessProfile Test mode from the system policies.
Answer: B
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