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Exam Code: 9L0-827
Exam Name: Apple (Final Cut Pro 7 End User Exam Level One)
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In the image below, click the Solo button for A3.
Answer: Pending
Apple study guide 9L0-827 test questions 9L0-827 answers real questions 9L0-827
NO.2 Which tool would perform the Before/After edit scenario shown above with the least
amount of clicks or keystrokes?
A. Ripple
B. Roll
C. Slide
D. Slip
Answer: A
Apple questions 9L0-827 study guide 9L0-827 exam dumps 9L0-827 certification 9L0-827 9L0-827
NO.3 Which actions allow you to open the Edit Marker dialog for a sequence marker?
(Select all that apply)
A. Command-double-click the marker.
B. With the playhead on the marker, press M.
C. Control-click the marker.
Answer: A, B
Apple 9L0-827 9L0-827 9L0-827 certification 9L0-827 test questions
NO.4 Which tool would perform the Before/After edit scenario shown above with the least
amount of clicks or keystrokes? (NOTE: Two edit points changed simultaneously.)
A. Ripple
B. Roll
C. Slide
D. Slip
Answer: C
Apple certification training 9L0-827 exam 9L0-827 exam prep 9L0-827 9L0-827
NO.5 Which overlay displayed below indicates the Canvas playhead is parked at the end of a sequence?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
E. Option E
Answer: C
Apple braindump 9L0-827 9L0-827 questions 9L0-827 study guide
NO.6 Which keyboard shortcut allows you to view the entire sequence within the Timeline
A. Command-Z
B. Control-Z
C. Option-Z
D. Shift-Z
Answer: D
Apple study guide 9L0-827 9L0-827 exam dumps 9L0-827 exam dumps
NO.7 Which reconnect option allows you to manually navigate to a source media file?
A. Batch
B. Forget
C. Locate
D. Search
Answer: C
Apple exam prep 9L0-827 9L0-827
In the image below, click the icon that allows you to make a Lift edit, as shown above.
Answer: Pending
Apple 9L0-827 9L0-827 questions 9L0-827
In the Log and Transfer window below, click the icon that allows you to choose the
Apple ProRes format for converting AVCHD footage.
Answer: Pending
Apple 9L0-827 9L0-827 9L0-827 exam dumps
In the image below, click the icon that allows you to display Title Safe.
Answer: Pending
Apple 9L0-827 9L0-827 9L0-827 exam simulations is a website specifically provide the certification exam information sources for IT professionals. Through many reflects from people who have purchase IT-Tests's products, is proved to be the best website to provide the source of information about certification exam. The product of is a very reliable training tool for you. The answers of the exam exercises provided by is very accurate. Our IT-Tests's senior experts are continuing to enhance the quality of our training materials.