
IBM certification 00M-651 the latest exam questions and answers

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Exam Code: 00M-651
Exam Name: IBM IBM PureApplication System Sales MasteryTest v1 00M-651
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Updated: 2013-08-26

00M-651 (IBM PureApplication System Sales MasteryTest v1) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/00M-651.html

NO.1 Which one of the following is NOT a business demand that the IBM PureApplication System helps
enable customers to address?
A. Capturing business opportunities more quickly
B. Increased business innovation
C. Leveraging technology more strategically
D. Increased business process control
Answer: D

IBM   00M-651   00M-651 certification   00M-651   00M-651   00M-651

NO.2 Which is NOT a benefit of the IBM PureApplication System simplified experience?
A. Ability to be upgraded with zero downtime
B. Single management console with role-based processes and automation capabilities
C. Embedded process control and security patterns
D. Only two contacts needed for support: one for hardware and one for software
Answer: D

IBM   00M-651   00M-651   00M-651 answers real questions   00M-651   00M-651 exam

NO.3 Most IBM PureApplication System whiteboard conversations will have unique outcomes, but the most
desired and logical next step in the sales process is which of the following options.?
A. An agreement to move forward with a PureExperience offer
B. A purchase order
C. Another whiteboard discussion with the line of business leaders
D. An Express Business Value Assessment (BVA)
Answer: A

IBM   00M-651   00M-651

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