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Exam Code: 642-742
Exam Name: Cisco (Implementing Cisco Unified Wireless Voice Networks (IUWVN) v2.0)
Cisco certification 642-742 exam is very popular among the IT people to enroll in the exam. Passing Cisco certification 642-742 exam can not only chang your work and life can bring, but also consolidate your position in the IT field. But the fact is that the passing rate is very low.
642-742 (Implementing Cisco Unified Wireless Voice Networks (IUWVN) v2.0) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/642-742.html
NO.1 Which three statements are true about load-based Call Admission Control? (Choose three.)
A. grants a VoWLAN client-initiated call based on the number of active clients associated to the AP
B. grants a VoWLAN client-initiated call based on channel bandwidth capacity
C. uses the 802.11i specifications
D. uses ADDTS action frames
E. requires a WMM-enabled client
Answer: B,D,E
Cisco 642-742 642-742
NO.2 What is the recommended minimum speed at the edge of the cells in an 802.11g network for a good
Cisco VoWLAN deployment?
A. 11 Mb/s
B. 12 Mb/s
C. 18 Mb/s
D. 36 Mb/s
E. 54 Mb/s
Answer: B
Cisco 642-742 642-742 braindump 642-742 practice test 642-742
NO.3 Using proper VoWLAN design practice, what would be a reasonable total number of calls for a properly
designed 802.11a cell to ensure call quality?
A. 4
B. 7
C. 14
D. 20
E. 25
F. 27
Answer: D
Cisco practice test 642-742 exam dumps 642-742 exam simulations
NO.4 The AP has been properly configured for a VoWLAN survey. The RF environment contains a noise of
-87 to -90 dBm. What would be the target value for the cell edge reading?
A. -55 dBm
B. -60 dBm
C. -62 dBm
D. -67 dBm
E. -70 dBm
F. -73 dBm
Answer: C
Cisco exam prep 642-742 test questions 642-742 study guide 642-742 certification training 642-742 certification
NO.5 Using proper VoWLAN design practice, what would be a reasonable total number of calls for a properly
designed 802.11g cell to ensure call quality?
A. 4
B. 7
C. 14
D. 20
E. 25
F. 27
Answer: C
Cisco 642-742 exam 642-742 study guide 642-742 test answers
NO.6 Which three options are benefits of U-APSD? (Choose three.)
A. synchronization of the transmission and reception of voice frames
B. bandwidth reservation
C. optimized power-save mode periods
D. increased call capacity
E. priority bandwidth and polling
Answer: A,C,D
Cisco 642-742 642-742 642-742
NO.7 Which two items enable WMM to expedite frames from respective traffic categories? (Choose two.)
Consistent CWmin and CWmax values
Dynamic CWmin and CWmax values
F. PS-Poll
Answer: B,C
Cisco 642-742 642-742 study guide 642-742
NO.8 Which statement describes the benefit of WMM U-APSD over legacy 802.11 power-save mode?
A. Client can burst data without standard interframe spacing.
B. Client can burst data without ACKs.
C. Client no longer sends null frame to notify of sleep mode.
D. Client sleep mode is scheduled by AP to reduce jitter.
Answer: A
Cisco study guide 642-742 642-742 exam 642-742 642-742 642-742 answers real questions
NO.9 When a VoWLAN client is in the range of two cells, which two statements describe how the client makes
a decision about which cell is the best to associate with? (Choose two.)
A. The client will associate with the cell with the highest RSSI value.
B. The client will associate with the cell with the lowest SNR value.
C. The client will associate with the cell broadcasting the highest 802.11e value.
D. The client will associate with the cell broadcasting the highest TSPEC value.
E. The client will associate with the cell broadcasting the lowest mandatory date rate.
F. The client will associate with the cell broadcasting the highest data rate.
G. The client will associate with the first cell that advertises U-APSD.
Answer: A,B
Cisco test answers 642-742 642-742 original questions 642-742 test questions
NO.10 Which two options allow a Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 7925G to conserve its battery.? (Choose
A. PS-Poll
D. 802.11h
E. 802.11r
Answer: A,C
Cisco original questions 642-742 certification 642-742 642-742
In order to protect the vital interests of each IT certification exams candidate, IT-Tests.com provides high-quality Cisco 642-742 exam training materials. This exam material is specially developed according to the needs of the candidates. It is researched by the IT experts of IT-Tests.com. Their struggle is not just to help you pass the exam, but also in order to let you have a better tomorrow.