
Free download The Open Group certification OG0-9AB exam practice questions and answers

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The Open Group certification OG0-9AB exam can give you a lot of change. Such as work, life would have greatly improve. Because, after all, OG0-9AB is a very important certified exam of The Open Group. But OG0-9AB exam is not so simple.

Exam Code: OG0-9AB
Exam Name: The Open Group (TOGAF 8 - 9 Advanced Bridge)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 66 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-12-23

OG0-9AB (TOGAF 8 - 9 Advanced Bridge) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/OG0-9AB.html

NO.1 In TOGAF, what is the difference between an artifact and a deliverable?
A. An artifact will contain one or more deliverables
B. Artifacts and deliverables are synonymous; there is no difference between them
C. Deliverables are prepared by the Project Manager, whereas artifacts are defined by the Architect
D. Deliverables are reusable, whereas artifacts are unique to a given architecture project
E. Deliverables are specified as contractual outputs from a project, whereas artifacts are not
Answer: E

The Open Group   OG0-9AB dumps   OG0-9AB braindump

NO.2 Which one of the following describes the main components within the TOGAF Architecture Repository?
A. Organizational Metamodel, Architecture Capability, Architecture Landscape, Best Practices, Reference
Library, Compliance Strategy
B. Architecture Metamodel, Organizational Capability Model, Application Landscape, SIB, Reference
Library, Governance Model
C. Business Metamodel, Architecture Capability, Architecture Landscape, SIB, Reference Library,
Governance Log
D. Architecture Metamodel, Architecture Capability, Architecture Landscape, SIB, Reference Library,
Governance Log
Answer: D

The Open Group test answers   OG0-9AB pdf   OG0-9AB   OG0-9AB exam simulations   OG0-9AB

NO.3 According to TOGAF, which of the following are the architecture domains that are commonly accepted
subsets of an overall enterprise architecture?
A. Application, Business, Data, Technology
B. Capability, Segment, Strategic
C. Context, Definition, Governance, Transformation
D. Definition, Realization, Transition, Vision
Answer: A

The Open Group   OG0-9AB   OG0-9AB   OG0-9AB

NO.4 Which of the following reasons best describes why the ADM numbering scheme for versioning output is
an example and not mandatory?
A. To enable use with the Architecture Content Framework
B. To permit adaptation as required
C. To show the evolution of deliverables
D. To support change management
Answer: B

The Open Group questions   OG0-9AB   OG0-9AB exam prep

NO.5 If a technique is referenced by processes categorized as TOGAF Core and TOGAF Mandated in the
Document Categorization Model, then in which category should it be placed?
A. TOGAF Extension
B. TOGAF Guidelines and Techniques
C. TOGAF Recommended
D. TOGAF Supporting
Answer: C

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